joi, 18 august 2011

Runespell Overture REVIEW !

Hey guyz Teodor here. Today I shall review Runespell Overture.
What is Runespell Overture ? . Well as the developers promoted it , this is "a role-playing game combining poker mechanics with power ups and collectable cards,".Yeah , poker . And damn….it works(well at least for a while) !
So the idea of the game is that of 2 characters(The Changeling (also known as the hero ) and another creature/ warrior) fighting to the death through a game somewhat similar to poker .
So how do you play it. Well there are two decks , the top blue one ( or the players deck) and the bottom red one (or the enemy deck). You must use your cards or your opponent unstacked cards to create different poker hands to damage the opponent . Even though your opponent cards aren’t revealead when you take the one on top , it is still pretty awesome to play with him , by limiting his moves . So the moves – damage chart is the following :
Pair – 8 dmg (two cards of the same value + 3 unranked cards)
Two Pairs – 9 dmg ( 2 pairs and 1 unranked card)
Three of a kind -10 dmg (3 cards of the same value and 2 unranked cards)
Straight – 11 dmg (five consecutive cards)
Flush – 12 dmg (all cards are from the same suit.)
Full house – 15 dmg (A pair and a Three of a kind )
Four of a kind – 18 dmg (4 cards of the same value and 1 unranked cards)
Five of a kind – 20 dmg (5 cards of the same value)
Straight Flush – 40 dmg (Five consecutive cards from the same suit)
Royal Flush – 50 dmg ( 10 – J – Q – K – A , of the same suit)
The Chest that appears in every encounter (except the tutorial ones) can only be opened by a pair . (only one pair , not two pairs and not a full house )
Your stats are displayed at the top left while your opponents stats are displayed at the top right. The blue orb tells you how many action you can do , the green bar represents your health , and the rage bar represents your mana. Rage is gained equal to the value of your attacks and half of the value of the damage received.
You do not get experience and level up. Instead you get passive cards that give you bonus health and rage . Sometimes this makes the game very hard , wich might be unpleasant for some players.
I think the fact the the battles , whether or not they are against an epic death bringer stone and a grunt are both very long and similar , making the game feel repetitive.
The graphics are gorgeus and even though they are not 3D , the 2D style works really well.
The music is really epic and enjoyable and it resembles the theme of the story (the year 1000 A.C. , Norse mythology , etc.) . The story is a bit of a cliché (you wake up with no memory and you start a journey trying to remember who you are) but this game is not about the story. The thing that seems out of place is the dialogue with lines like “Super”, “Cool” and with the reference to your enemies as the “bad guyz” seems out of place . I guess the developers tried to be funny …but It didn’t work that well.
Another issue would be the fact that the game has no multiplayer. I mean how can they do that ….The multiplayer would have been easy to implement , at least lan , if not online .

In conclusion I would say the game is a mediocre game , that has its good and bad (still not game breaking ) parts , and I would recommend buying , since it is only 10 $ . And it is worth playing , at least for a while. So the game gets an overall score of 7 from me . Please leave your comments bellow and tell me what you think about the game.


The Video Review :

joi, 4 august 2011

Duke Nukem Forever Review

Before i review the game i want to tell you that i am one of the "Babies" . I mean i haven't played the first duke nukems.:)
So frankly i find the game boring . I mean i played the game for about 6 hours . During that time i spented at least 4 hours driving a toy car , eating donnuts and peeing.
From what i understand the firs Duke Nukems were phenomenal because of the violence present in them and because you killed lots of different monsters. In this game i barely shot some monsters (and there were only 2 of them , the one at the begining and another one that was spammed like 30 times in 10 min around my base ).
The jokes are old , with no charm and the graphics are for games for the year 2006 , 2007 top.
The storyline is just dull and boring , filled with bad jokes just to fill up the plot.
In conclusion , with indulgence , i would give this game 5 out of 10 stars .


miercuri, 3 august 2011

Reviews / Game news commentaries

Since I saw that those are pretty popular I will try to improve my ability to do them , because I really enjoy them. Currently I am working on a Runespell : Overture review and a Prototype review. They will come out as soon as I finish the games.

I also want to start a League of Legends Commentary series since I enjoy the game a lot and there are plenty of thing to say about it.(tutorials for every hero , like Mordekaiser , Teemo or Renekton (3 of my favourites). I am thinking of releasing 1 video Tutorial per week (1 hero) because in that time I can master the hero . So most probably the episodes will come out on weekends or on Mondays .

Those are my announcements for today. Please leave a comment bellow letting me know how you feel. If you want to add me to your LoL friends list , I play on Europe North + East under the summoner name Malighos (same as the login ID).

Walkthroughs / Playthroughs

I will post a walkthrough / playthrough of Starcraft 2 Wings of liberty and maybe one of Warcraft 3 + expansion .
Once Diablo 3 and Star Wars The old Republic come out I will start playing and recording those also :)

I am I

I am I will be a new series in wich I talk about my opinions about the world , the aliens , the inhabitants of earth , the universe , and other random stuff. It will consist of episodes uploaded once a week at least ( Friday most probably ) , except for next week when I am in Greece on vacation :)

L2P Age of Conan Unchained Series CANCELED ! (Announcement one)

First of all the L2P Age of Conan Unchained Series is canceled... Why? Well there are a number of reasons that come into my mind right now.
First of all I do not enjoy the game as I did at the beginning. I find that it became boring and repetitive ( go there , kill that , steal that ,etc) . I know that my character was a low level character but still I played the game for a couple of hours in total.

Another reason would be the fact that I do not enjoy making a fool of myself that much (I mean about once a month it is good …but not as much as I did with the Age of Conan series. ) . The videos weren’t that succesfull either. I mean in a month (5 july – 4 august) I got 971 views(in total) and with my very crappy Emily the strange Skate strange review and with the Diablo 3 Auction house video I got about 700 views in 3 days…soo you do the math ( I know the review sucks but everyone learns from their mistake. For example I learned to write the review first , but only after playing the game for at least 4-5 hours (to get a good impression of it) . After that I correct it and finally I record it . )

The last reason that I can think about right now to stop the Age of Conan series was the fact that I recorded some gameplay , and the microphone wasn’t plugged in correctly and the audio was way more crappier than the usual J . And the hole point of the series was recording all the gameplay I do from level 1 to the max level. So those are my announcements about Age of Conan unchained.

If you do not know what the series is about you can check the recorded episodes here : 


Hey guyz Teodor here . I have some announcements to make , and since there are pretty big (well for me at least) i will make a separate post for each one of it .

Mists of Pandaria !!!!

Hey guyz Teodor here. Todays video brings breaking news. Multiple sources say that a new trademark has been claimed by Blizzard , The Mists of Pandaria.
Will it be a new expansion that will bring a new race , the Pandarian ? We do not know. The only certain thing is that this won't be a book since the trademark is made for online computer video game software !.
Anyway it is said that they were taken out of the clasic / vanilla wow just because it would upset the asian people , because they did not like the image of pandas , skeletons, demons, etc .
There are a lot of speculations about this race's alignment (if it will be a race) . Will it be Neutral , will it be Horde or will it be Alliance.
Some people say that the Pandarens will be Alliance and that the Horde will get the Dreadlords , also know as the Nathrezim , Wich i do not now if it will happen (Remember the Varithramas - Undercity event and the fact that in warcraft 3 campaing a pandaren brewmaster aligned with the Horde)
Others say they will be a neutral race that will chose a side between leveles 10-20. Some people say that in this expansion you will get a hero class ,  considring the pattern : Burning Crusade - New Races , Wrath of the Lich King - Hero Class , Cataclysm - New Races , Mists of Pandaria - Hero class ,  the pandarens will be NPC's and we will go to save their ass in Pandaria. So basicaly they would be something like the Walrus in Northrend.
Anyway nothing is clear right now except that some online video game software (an expansion most probably ) with the name Mists of Pandaria will be released  in the future. Please leave your comments bellow and let me now what you think .

Here is an image of the official trademark document : (click it to enlarge )

Until the next time , Teodor out.

luni, 1 august 2011

My starcraft 2 Signature

I'm so good b-) :)

Diablo 3 Auction House and other features.

Yesterday i found out about the Diablo 3 Auction House , and i must admit i am not surprised. As always , Blizzard , drolling after more and more money decided to let people sell items in the auction house for real life money . But there are some catches . First of all you need to give blizzard some cash so you can sell an item or some of your profit (it was unclear wich) and you will be able to use that money that you earn to pay for blizzard services like WoW accounts and other blizzard games. If you want to transfer those money to your credit card , well then you have to pay another you get the point....its just like the map market for starcraft 2 , only this time with items. I also heard that they might let people sell their charachters....
My question is...where will all the fun go. Because lets be serious , who would sell items for in game money . Also there are those rich guyz that will just buy the best items , or , if possible , a premade charachter . And i think that is really unfair. Me and others will have to farm hours for items (since there will be an extreme variation of them) to get that one that we just dream about , and a guy will just spend some dollars to get something better....and that is just sad....

Also the fact that you cannot play the game offline / in singleplayer is another thing that i dislike. Why? Well what happens if i want to play the game and my internet fails . Or what can the people withouth internet do?

About the skills manevrability i am not that sure. I mean it will make the game easier for a lot of people , but in the same time it will allow players to try a lot of different combinations , withouth the necesity of creating a new charachter for each build , wich is pretty nice . 

There is also a crafting feature , a feature that i actually look forward to it. I mean i have a great feeling of acomplishment when i found a rare recipe and with it i creat a great item in other games , and i do not know why it wouldn't be the same here. 

So this were my impresions for some of the features the upcoming video game Diablo 3 will have.